Sharing is Caring...

Two Ways To share the love!

Do you love your Habibi Bear and  find yourself telling people where they can adopt one for their family?  Would you like to earn a little thank you for supporting our Habibi Bear Tribe?  

At Habibi Bears we are a referral based small business and it's thanks to our families that our dogs are enriching lives and healing hearts nationwide!  Now we have a way to pay it forward for sharing your love!

1. Get your personal referral link to use when telling people about your Habibi Bear.  When they adopt, we will send you a thank you gift of $50 via Venmo  No Limits!

2. Share your love in a testimonial & be entered to win Habibi Merch quarterly!

Sign up to be a Habibi Referral Partner!

Share your testimonial for our Happy Tails pages!