Our "Habibi Bear" Teddy Bear puppies are here to bring joy and comfort to your home. These unique pups come in a variety of sizes and are full of love and snuggles. And the best part? Their allergy-friendly coats make them great for allergy sufferers, so you can enjoy their hugs without any worries.
We've spent over 30 years focusing on the well-being of our dogs, not the number of litters. We nurture just a few litters each year, ensuring every Habibi Bear is a standout. These puppies are part of our family, and we're excited to share them with you.
Our program is small, but our passion for pairing our Habibi Bears with loving families is huge. These pups are whip-smart, super affectionate, and have an innate ability to connect with people, making them excellent therapy, Emotional Support, and family companions. They're not just pets; they're furry family members with a purpose.
Here's our backstory. It all started with Schnoodles for my students, and the desire to do more. We discovered new stunning colors in Schnauzers and Poodles that DNA tests revealed additional breed genetics. We then infused healthy rare imported lines to increase the genetic diversity. That's the origin of our Habibi Bears—sweet, empathetic, and just the right fit for those in need of a furry friend.
We use DNA testing to ensure a diverse and robust canine family. This labor of love has been our path, and we're thrilled to invite you into our world. Discover the Habibi Bear difference for yourself.
Connectivity between dogs and humans is a profound, transformative experience. It is our deep passion to help nurture and promote this meaningful relationship. Therefore, after much introspection, we knew we had to align our name with our vision. We chose the Name 'Habibi' as a nod to our family's Egyptian heritage, an Arabic term of endearment meaning 'my beloved' and 'Bear' for our dogs' adorable teddy bear appearance.
One might question the rationale behind choosing crossbreeding or purposely breeding a new breed rather than breeding purebreds. The reason is straightforward: we are in pursuit of specific temperaments and personality traits that are not fully encapsulated by any single purebred breed. Often, the breeds that resemble our vision are either exceedingly rare, making them less accessible, or they may share only the physical characteristics without the desired temperament.
Furthermore, purebred lines were established in the era prior to the advent of genetic testing, leading to prevalent inbreeding practices. Although purebred dogs can be wonderful in their own right and suitable for many, they do not align with the objectives of our breeding program and The Habibi Bear Project goals. Through crossbreeding, we are able to circumvent these challenges, ensuring a diverse genetic makeup and honing in on the precise qualities that distinguish Habibi Bears as extraordinary
"Dog breeds must be ‘rebooted’ to halt health problems,"
Prof. Clare Rusbridge

In this
article, Prof Clare Rusbridge states, "Dog breeds must be ‘rebooted’ to halt health problems". Prof. Rusbridge calls for careful cross-breeding to introduce new genetic material through careful cross-breeding to save pure breeds from ingrained health problems. From French bulldogs with spinal and respiratory issues to cavalier King Charles spaniels with skull malformations and heart problems, many breeds are prone to specific disorders.
But while efforts have been made to breed healthier pedigree dogs by screening for problematic traits, the approach has limits. Clare Rusbridge, a professor in veterinary neurology at the University of Surrey, said many diseases arose from a complex array of genetic variants, while the gene pool of breeds was often so small that there were simply not enough unaffected individuals to breed from.
It seems that science indicates inbreeding as a dangerous practice leading to increasing issues in pure breeds. Therefore, we are committed to producing our Habibi Bears.
What Breeds our in our teddy bear puppies?
Habibi Bears are a unique combination of parent breeds:
Since 1989, we've purposely developed the Habibi Bear with a meaningful intention- to create a unique breed through strategic outcrossing. Our exceptional dogs combine beloved companion breeds to enhance genetic diversity, offering extraordinary temperaments tailored to your modern lifestyle.
To date, the breeds in the background of the Habibi are listed below, and we leave our studbook open to infusing new breeds when needed to reach our goals.
Small & Mini Line: Bichon Breeds, Poodle, Shih Tzu, Cavalier, Schnauzer, Pekingese (in the background but rarely shows up on tests)
Moyen Line: Our small and mini lined combined with - Standard Poodle & Schnauzer, Multi-gen non-shedding Goldendoodle & Aussiedoodle (in the background but rarely shows up on tests)
Each year, we work increasingly closer to the goal of integrating the entire gene pool of all sizes into one cohesive line.
It is interesting to note that while these breeds are in the background and recorded in our studbooks, depending on dilution, we notice that not all will be detected in the Embark Test. The most recent case in point we wrote about in our
recent teddy bear puppies blog is our newest additions to our breeding program, Bluebelle. We observed an example of breed dilution. We also saw how the coefficient of inbreeding (COI) improved over time by comparing her DNA panel to that of her parents, who belong to the previous generation. Bluebelle's parents are Elliot and Belladonna. Elliot's pedigree includes a total of four breeds in his background, but due to dilution over time, he only shows two breeds on his Embark test. On the other hand, Bella, is an imported Shihtzu from Korea, and she and her sister's DNA notate a small percentage of Chihuahua. We can attribute this to the fact that 1) all breeds were created by mixing at one point and 2) Embark did not have these imported dog's samples in their reference panel, so they matched other markers.
A win for restoring genetic vitality!
Back to Bluebelle, it's exciting to note that in this generation, we have successfully eliminated the COI, and as you can see, she now has a 0% COI! This is a significant victory for us and our dogs' future. It has been a long, uphill battle to reverse all the damage caused by generations of inbreeding, which is still practiced and considered preferable to create a uniform look by most purebred clubs.
Embark Explaining Why Even Registered Purebred Dogs Show Mixed Results
According To Embark
For various reasons, the registered purebred dog tested by Embark may not perfectly match the genetic signature of the reference panel. One example is the dog may have an ancestor that is in a closely related breed which was utilized prior to the closing of the breed’s studbook many generations ago. Another reason is that the dog may come from a bloodline that is geographically very distant from the group of reference panel dogs. These results in no way affect the registered “purebred” status of the dog or its standing with the registry. In fact, because these dogs usually contain genetic signatures that are not common in the breed, they can be highly useful for maintaining or even increasing genetic diversity in the breed.
For a deeper dive, take a look at how a purebred dog’s DNA may
diverge from that of the reference panel.
From Embark
Dog fanciers are passionate about their breeds and the unique attributes that define breed type, characteristics, and temperament. Generations of careful breeding and selection have helped to refine these breed-specific traits and allow everyone to enjoy the remarkable variation that is represented in hundreds of purebred dog breeds.
At Embark, we celebrate and support the dog breeders who have worked passionately to produce exceptional dogs. We share their mission and appreciate the opportunity to contribute our expertise in genetic health risks to this important pursuit.
What is a reference panel?
We understand it can be concerning when a purebred dog is tested using Embark for Breeders DNA test, and the results indicate the dog is a mixed breed. While this is uncommon and can be an indication of crossbreeding, there are also situations where purebred dogs receive this result.
When Embark conducts a DNA Test on a purebred dog, we use a proven scientific approach to assess the genetic makeup of the dog using a process involving reference panels. A reference panel is a group of dogs that have all been registered as purebred in a particular breed. Embark’s reference database of tens of thousands of purebred dogs is the largest and most diverse in the world. This database is used to identify a genetic signature unique to the breed but does not include every dog in every breed.
Why would a purebred dog not match the breed reference panel?
For various reasons, the registered purebred dog tested by Embark may not perfectly match the genetic signature of the reference panel. One example is the dog may have an ancestor that is in a closely related breed which was utilized prior to the closing of the breed’s studbook many generations ago. Another reason is that the dog may come from a bloodline that is geographically very distant from the group of reference panel dogs. These results in no way affect the registered “purebred” status of the dog or its standing with the registry. In fact, because these dogs usually contain genetic signatures not common in the breed, they can be highly useful for maintaining or even increasing genetic diversity in the breed.
For a deeper dive, take a look at how a purebred dog’s DNA may diverge from that of the reference panel.
A note from Embark:
Hi everyone, we are pleased to offer the most accurate and comprehensive dog DNA test available. However even when testing with 200,00+ genetic markers, a DNA breed test cannot be used to certify a dog as a "purebred". This is because a "purebred" status is not itself a scientific designation, but includes human-defined registration status and pedigree records indicating all of a dog's ancestors were documented as purebred as well. While the term "purebred" is often associated with "single breed", this is not actually the same thing. Embark's DNA testing can generally inform on 3-4 generations of ancestry, which even for registered dogs will in some cases identify some DNA from another breed, often a closely related breed. This can occur for a variety of reasons, and these results do not affect the dog's registration or purebred status, because as stated earlier "purebred status" is not a scientific designation or dependent upon DNA ancestry results.
While we encourage owners and breeders to use DNA testing to learn more about their dog's ancestry, health, traits, and relatives, owners looking to register their dogs with various organizations will need to submit their pedigrees to the appropriate registry body for that certification. These registries typically do not include the requirement that the dog be certified as "single breed" from a DNA testing company such as Embark. We encourage breeders to contact their preferred registries and breed club organizations to learn more about their requirements and expectations for dogs of your breed.
A Mi-Ki Breeder's experience in developing their new breed:
Another interesting read on the topic from a Mi-Ki breeder discussing the mis-labeled breeds in the background of their dogs.
teddy bear puppies Temperament
Imagine a dog that's all about companionship, one that's eager to learn and in tune with your emotions. That's the essence of a Habibi Bear. These pups are just as content joining you for a brisk walk as they are lounging around the house on a quiet day. They're the ultimate easy-keepers—no endless exercise required to keep them serene.
What we aim for in a Habibi Bear goes beyond the physical; we focus on cultivating a stable mindset, sociability, and an even-keeled nature that can handle life's surprises with grace. These qualities form the cornerstone of our breeding philosophy.
Yet, we don't compromise on their spirited nature. Our Habibi Bears retain their lively character and love for life, all while being responsive and cooperative. This blend of traits makes them the perfect addition to any family, providing joy and companionship in equal measure.
They exhibit a friendly disposition towards other dogs and showcase exceptional cleverness, sociability, and joyfulness. Quick learners of unusual tasks, these active and occasionally comical dogs may attempt to outsmart their humans if undisciplined. Habibi Bear training should be calm and consistent, with daily mental and physical exercise to prevent behavior issues. Despite their loyalty to their own family, these non-aggressive dogs are friendly and approachable, making them wonderful therapy and support dogs.