Meet Baker: Mini Apricot Habibi Bear
Hi Julie,
Baker is doing great and has settled right in. He has gotten used to sleeping in his crate at night but doesn't much care to be in his puppy pen when we need our hands free. I'm sure he'll adapt. :) Ava is learning a lot about what it's like to have a "baby" in the house...crying, accidents,'s all new to her but she's adapting too.Here's a photo of him taken his first day home. I call it his "Glamour Shot". :) Such a cute boy!

Hi Julie,
Baker turned 6 months old yesterday so I wanted to send a recent photo of him. Here he is with Ava enjoying a sunny day in the backyard. He's a sweetheart and a great companion! And so cute, like a stuffed animal! As one of my friends likes to say "There's that fake dog again!"He likes to go places and travels well in the car. I've taken him to my office many times where he loves meeting new people and being the center of attention. He took his first trip to the beach a week ago and discovered that digging in the sand is THE BEST!! He cracks us up with his puppy spaz-outs when he goes rip-snorting around the house at high speeds, growling and barking just for the fun of it! :)He's a smart little guy and did very well in puppy school. "Come" is definitely not his favorite command, although he can be persuaded with one word: TREAT!I'm a true believer in Life's Abundance dog food you recommended. I think that's why he's so healthy, active "regular", and his coat looks great.
Thanks again for letting us adopt this wonderful addition to the family. We cherish him! More pics to come in separate emails.
Take care,
Hi Julie,
We have adopted 2 of your puppies (Baker and Bow...formerly Linus and Veronica) and we adore them! They are wonderful companion dogs! Everyone loves them. That's why I'm asking for a friend :)