Habibi bears blog

A Mystic Midwoof's Musings

Blues Clues Part One! Preparing for your Puppy

Here at the Habibi Bear Central Hub, home of the Original Teddy Bear dog, we are always striving to expand our knowledge about dogs and share it with all of you, our Habibi Bear Tribe, in order to provide the best for both puppy and families in what ...

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Keeping puppy safe from Foxtails

Know the Signs of Foxtails in Your Habibi Bear Pup Here in the PNW and the West Coast, home of the Habibi Bear Puppy, the Original Teddy Bear dog, autumn is in full swing. As we take our pups outside to benefit from the last temperate temperatures be...

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Honoring your Habibi Bear Puppy Part 2: Be familiar with Puppy Madness

Last week in our blog we spoke about honoring your precious Habibi Bear puppy, the Original Teddy Bear puppy dog, in a few different ways. Remembering Your Habibi Bear Puppy is a baby whose life is measured in weeks and months. Small breed puppies ...

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Caution: Baby Sharks on the Loose

It’s nearly summer and that means sun, sand and fun on the beach for everyone .  But what if there are baby sharks who nip at our heels and tear our clothes when we take a dip? Of course, we’re not talking about actual sharks and we are teasing! We o...

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Kriss-Kross: Keeping Signals Straight with your Puppies

This week’s post is a continuation of last week’s conversation: a review of what your Habibi Bear puppy perceives as a threat. It is important when letting people approach our beloved  little guys and gals that we know our pups and can advocate for t...

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Stranger Danger or Setting Your Pup Up For Success!

It just breaks our heart when we hear of puppy’s struggling with meeting new or many extended family members, especially since with some attentive planning and vigilance, problems can be diffused or avoided completely. Let’s review some tips for maki...

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Puppy Paradigm Shift: Share your Love and Life with Puppy

PARADIGM: a standard, perspective, or set of ideas. A paradigm shift is “an important change that happens when the usual way of thinking about or doing something is replaced by a new and different way.” In our Habibi Bear Universe, we are constantl...

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#50 The ABC's of Dog Training: Dog Recall Training

Introduction If your dog won't come, it can be incredibly frustrating. This is a great skill for dogs to learn—but if you're having trouble, don't worry! We've got some tips to help teach you how to communicate with your dog in a way that is a win-wi...

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Chill Out: Rule of 3 - Puppy Adjustment Guide

* (Adapted from ASPCA guideline chart)  Last week we talked about the physiological development of your Habibi Bear puppy and how amazing they are in their natural inclination to want to bond and live with us. This week, we will review how long it ta...

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Couch Potato Puppy: Signs that Puppy is Ready to Expand Their Space

Those who are familiar with and own our wonderful Habibi Bear puppies often tell us how loving and cuddly our little furry guys and gals are! It is one of their defining characteristics! We couldn’t agree more and we are pleased to be able to share o...

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Gimme Gimme! Resource guarding in Puppies

Last week we talked about claiming your space, hierarchy in the dog world, and how it affects your Habibi Bear puppy’s behavior. This week’s topic is an extension of that topic, resource guarding. What is resource guarding? In everyday language, i...

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Claim your spot! How spatial sensitivity affects a pushy Pup.

For today’s topic, here are a few questions to reflect on before reading the rest of the blog post: When entering your home or another building with your dog, who enters first? You or your Habibi Bear puppy? Does your Habibi Bear puppy have free ru...

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They Call it Puppy Love: Why We Love to Hear From You All the Time

We have a unique mission here at Habibi Bear, one that involves making the perfect match between you and your prospective puppy, so that you both can lead a purposeful and loving life together for years to come. We take our roles as puppy matchmakers...

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Oh-oh! Tummy troubles! Simple ways to help soothe puppy’s tummy at home

Even the sturdiest of dogs experience tummy troubles from time to time, and while inconvenient, there is no cause for alarm. We here at Habibi Bears have got you covered with tried and true tips to help get your cuddly Habibi guy or gal back on the r...

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Good and faithful friend: Building trust with your Habibi Bear dog

In the last two blog entries, we covered two very important subjects in creating an environment of calm and order in your Habibi Bear puppy household: knowing what motivates your dog ( Doggie Love Language ) and developing impulse control in your pup...

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Impulse Control : Why it is important.

By now, most of you have had your Habibi Bear pups for a few months now, maybe even a year or two. Along the way, there may have been some ups and downs in finding ways to live together in love, peace and harmony. As a fun exercise, let’s think back ...

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How to train your puppy or dog to behave like a Service Dog

Training a dog is certainly the hardest part of owning a dog. It can be very frustrating having a dog that is not housebroken, or barks excessively, or keeps pulling on the leash during your walks, or doesn't respond whenever it's called, or jumps up...

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What Drives Your Dog? Discovering your Doggie’s Love Language

In pop culture you might have heard people talking about the 5 love languages and how being able to identify yours can be beneficial to all your relationships, either platonic or romantic. Do you like words of praise or to be hugged when someone is e...

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Rainy Day Fun

We’re in the full grips of winter around here and if you haven't been able to get outside for normal “walkies” we have some tried and true activities to recommend to keep your puppy engaged. Are you ready to get started? Let’s go!  Treat “Hide n Go S...

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Keeping it 100- Real Talk about What to Expect with Your Habibi Bear Pup

It’s a New Year and time to take stock of things around us to see what we can improve in 2023. As you have heard us say many times, a huge part of our mission here at Habibi Bears & Hannah's Heart is to educate our families to help them see their Ha...

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Welcome to the Habibi Bears Blog!

You will find all kinds of great information here to help you raise and enjoy your sweet Habibi Bear.

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Keeping a well-groomed dog is essential to maintaining their health. This FREE guide will instruct you on grooming as young as 8 weeks on into adulthood. Enter your email below to get your free guide.

Learn our favorite strategies for controlling the chaos that comes with kids and dogs, so everyone feels safe and behaves politely around each other.

Developing A Dog with a special purpose & a Program to support them!

I’m Julie, the creator of the Habibi Bear. Developed exclusively to provide support for children with Autism & special needs.  I was inspired by my students and wanted to assist them by raising a dog that can be their voice and help them navigate their world. Over the years, this vision has expanded as I now serve people of all ages with my Habibi Method Program, as a Puppy Parenting Coach! 

Our naturally reared dogs are vitally healthy and have a rich gene pool with no inbreeding. I have an open stud book and will always be open to outcrossing to further my line. Health & temperament are paramount in my pursuit of raising dogs with a purpose.

In the beginning I told myself I would do this as long as it still lights me up inside and there is a need for my dogs.  Here I am years later, and I’m still having a ball, and our network is now international.  Every puppy amazes me with their uncanny ability to connect to people's hearts. It’s an honor to be the guardian of these special little bears, and be part of something quite magical between the hearts of human and dog.