Habibi bears blog

A Mystic Midwoof's Musings

#125 - The Habibi Method of Finding Your Perfect Family Dog

If you have been with us for a while you know that we are the EHarmony of pup-matching! For over thirty years, we have been bringing and sharing love and joy with the entire country (and a few countries overseas) via our precious Habibi Bear puppies....

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#123 - The Complete Package: Why Habibi Bear Puppies Are the Perfect Addition to Your Family

It’s Harvest Time and here at the Habibi Bear central hub, we have a fresh bumper crop of the cutest bunch of fuzzy, furry, and friendly Habibi Bear pups that you have ever seen in the most eclectic assortment of colors : vanilla chai, butterscotch, ...

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# 117- Special Delivery: Heaven Sent Puppies on the Way

It’s that special time of year that we at Habibi Bears prepare for with happiness and anticipation …it’s new puppy time! Everyone around the Habibi Bear Central Hub has got a spring in their step and a smile on their face in anticipation for the bles...

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#115 - Daddy’s Girls and Mommy's Boys - Should you choose a boy, girl or does it matter?

A Unique Approach to Puppy Matching at Habibi Bears Hey there, puppy lovers! It's Julie from Habibi Bears, and I want to chat about something that makes us a bit different from other breeders. You know how most places have a pretty simple way of matc...

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#82 Exploring Adjustable Traits in Puppy temperament testing

Time sure flies when you are having fun and we are having tons of fun here in the PNW, home of the Original Teddy Bear dog, ladies and gentlemen, the Habibi Bear puppy! Our loving and playful pups are learning, exploring and growing every day before ...

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#81 Explaining Stable Traits in Puppies

We here at the Habibi Bear Central Hub in the beautiful PNW can’t believe that Valentine’s Day has rolled around once again. We are sure that you and your loving, cuddly Habibi Bear puppies, the Original Teddy Bear dog, celebrated the holiday of Love...

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#80 A Match Made in Heaven: Deep dive into Our Puppy Testing System

We here at the Habibi Bear Central Hub in the Pacific Northwest, home of the Original Teddy Bear dog, truly believe that each and every one of our loving Habibi Bear puppies is a magical being.  It is part of our mission to see the wonder and beauty ...

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#79 Honoring Your Pup’s Uniqueness : The Party Animal & the Fire Element

We’ve just completed another round of our Habibi Method Evaluations for selections here at the Habibi Bear Central Hub in the beautiful PNW, home of the Original Teddy Bear dog. It is always so exciting to get to watch and tune in to our gorgeous, cu...

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Welcome to the Habibi Bears Blog!

You will find all kinds of great information here to help you raise and enjoy your sweet Habibi Bear.

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Keeping a well-groomed dog is essential to maintaining their health. This FREE guide will instruct you on grooming as young as 8 weeks on into adulthood. Enter your email below to get your free guide.

Learn our favorite strategies for controlling the chaos that comes with kids and dogs, so everyone feels safe and behaves politely around each other.

Developing A Dog with a special purpose & a Program to support them!

I’m Julie, the creator of the Habibi Bear. Developed exclusively to provide support for children with Autism & special needs.  I was inspired by my students and wanted to assist them by raising a dog that can be their voice and help them navigate their world. Over the years, this vision has expanded as I now serve people of all ages with my Habibi Method Program, as a Puppy Parenting Coach! 

Our naturally reared dogs are vitally healthy and have a rich gene pool with no inbreeding. I have an open stud book and will always be open to outcrossing to further my line. Health & temperament are paramount in my pursuit of raising dogs with a purpose.

In the beginning I told myself I would do this as long as it still lights me up inside and there is a need for my dogs.  Here I am years later, and I’m still having a ball, and our network is now international.  Every puppy amazes me with their uncanny ability to connect to people's hearts. It’s an honor to be the guardian of these special little bears, and be part of something quite magical between the hearts of human and dog.