
#119 - Learning to Play Nice: Help your Dog with new friends and Play dates

We are dog people

In case you haven’t noticed, we are dog people! We live a dog-centered life. We love dogs, we talk about dogs, and our home is filled to the brim with dog gear. We read about dogs, we listen to and take seminars about dogs, we dream about dogs. We are surrounded, either virtually (our phone is filled with 1000’s of pictures and clips) or physically, with these adorable little Habibi Bears, the Original Teddy Bear dog. We are obsessed! If you are reading this, chances are pretty high that you are as well. You know how precious these little pups are! As such, let’s talk about how to include your dogs on visits and safe play dates so our Habibi Bear guys and gals can be the best behaved and coolest kids around.

Three Habibi Bear Dogs playing together Help your Habibi Bear welcome friends safely and politely

In order to welcome family and friends with their own dogs to your home safely, a little preparation and planning is required on your part. First, make sure your dog has had adequate rest, is feeling good and has had some moderate exercise or a good sniff walk outside so that they are relaxed and happy in their home and space. If their tummies are off, call off the visit and plan for another day. If your Habibi Bear pup’s schedule is off and they didn’t sleep well, reschedule for another time. We want our Habibi Bear pups in fine fettle and form to welcome new friends and learn that new dogs mean fun, not stress. Remember, in order to be social, your Habibi Bear puppy has to have all of their biological and psychological needs met (food, water, sleep, shelter, security, protection) first. Please make sure to gather up food bowls, all toys, bedding, blankets, and bones! It is best not to have any items or possessions lying around that could invite conflict or misunderstanding, especially if you are new or still learning to read dog body language. 

Know the doggie signals and head trouble off at the pass!

Remember that your Habibi Bear will be displaying signs of unease well before a full blown blowout. If they are uncomfortable with visitors, doggie or human, watch for:
  1. Excessive panting
  2. Drooling
  3. Licking their lips
  4. Yawning
  5. Whale Eyes (where you see the whites of your dog's eyes)
  6. Stiff body language (frozen tail, staring, ears back)
If you see any of these behaviors, be ready to distract your Habibi Bear pup with a high value treat or remove them from the area, giving them adequate time to calm down and decompress. A few minutes might do. Make a note, either on your phone or paper, what the trigger was so that you and your Habibi Bear puppy can work on it together before the next time or visit. Quick Tip: Taking both dogs out together to walk is a perfect way to be alone together, diffuse conflict PLUS create a bond. Just like walking together creates a human-canine bond, walking dogs side by side establishes a bond between canines. 

Three Habibi Bears playing together

Be patient and understanding

Some pups need more time to adjust to meeting new friends,and that is 100% ok! There are other dogs who make besties immediately wherever they go. Every pup is different. Always remember that a lip-raise (showing teeth) or a growl is GOOD! It is clear, unequivocal communication that your Habibi Bear pup is uncomfortable. No need for panic or worry. They are merely setting their boundaries, and other dogs will usually respect the boundary and give them space. 

Two critical points 
  1. Please don’t reprimand your pup for growling.
  2. Please don’t force your dog to share close space with another pup after a growl incident. 

Let each pup have their space until you see that body languages have returned to open, slack mouths and wiggly movements. Let your dog walk away, shake it off and calm down. Better yet, wait until you see some nice play bows before trying to get them to engage again.

teacup teddy bear puppies - Habibi Bears the new breed for today's world

If you need help reading dog signals, contact us
Make sure to reach out if you are having difficulty reading your dog’s signals, the sooner the better and let’s troubleshoot this together. We want your Habibi Bear puppy to have the best experience possible and share a life of love and happiness with you, the center of their universe. After all, we are always here for you, cheering you on!