
#107 - 7 Signs Your Beloved Dog Might Need Allergy Testing and a Holistic Approach

hypoallergenic dogs for saleEmbracing a Holistic Approach to Veterinary Care for Habibi Bear

Is your furry companion scratching more than snuggling? It might be time to consider holistic and homeopathic veterinary care and take a whole-body approach to address Habibi Bear's overall health.
Instead of solely using pharmaceuticals and chemical treatments to address symptoms, it is better to focus on treating the root cause of the issue. Let's explore the key indicators that your canine friend is signaling for assistance.
Continuous scratching can irritate your dog's skin, leading to redness, inflammation, or even infection. These symptoms, when persistent, are often signs that your furry friend might be reacting to something in their environment or diet. Consulting a holistic or homeopathic vet for dog allergy testing can help identify the trigger. They can begin shifting your dog to a diet and supplementation plan that will provide relief for your furry friend.

1. Allergy  Risk Factors

Compromised Immune System An animal’s immune system can misfire, becoming too alert and putting the animal at higher risk for cancer and viral diseases. It's like the immune system gets sidetracked, overly focused on allergens, whether they're real or imagined. This process involves countless biochemical reactions triggered by allergies.
Vaccines & Vaccinosis Vaccines impact the immune system and can leave an animal highly vulnerable to allergies.
ChemicalsThe use of pharmaceuticals and other chemicals can weaken an animal’s immune system, leaving it more vulnerable to allergies. A diet lacking in antioxidant protection from these toxins renders the animal even further susceptible.
Food allergies can develop from any protein or carbohydrate in food. Common triggers include wheat, oats, rice, barley, corn, soy, red meats, chicken, fish, fish oils, yeast, and kelp.  We've found switching to a high quality food like Viva Raw or Pawtree are great choices.  

2. Recurring Skin Infections

Skin infections that seem to clear up only to return with a vengeance can be frustrating for both you and your pet. If your Habibi Bear is experiencing hot spots, redness, or infections that keep coming back, it's a strong indicator that allergies may be at play. These infections can cause discomfort and pain, urging the need for an allergy assessment.
Repeated skin infections are not only uncomfortable but can also signify that your dog’s immune system is constantly being challenged by an allergen. Dog allergy testing can pinpoint what's causing these outbreaks, allowing for targeted treatment that can break the cycle of infection and discomfort.

3. Persistent Ear Infections

Ear infections in dogs can be a sign of allergies, especially if they occur frequently. Dogs with allergies may have more wax and inflammation in their ears, making them susceptible to infections. If your Habibi Bear is shaking its head or pawing at its ears often, it might be time to look into allergy testing.
Symptoms like odor, redness, and discharge from the ears are not just signs of an ear infection; they could indicate an underlying allergic condition. Proper diagnosis and management by a homeopathic or holistic veterinarian can prevent these painful episodes and improve your dog's overall well-being.

4. Sneezing, Coughing, and Wheezing

Just like humans, dogs can have respiratory reactions to allergies. If your Habibi Bear starts showing signs of respiratory distress such as sneezing, coughing, or wheezing, consider dog allergy testing. These symptoms could result from environmental allergens like pollen, dust, or mold.

5. Gastrointestinal Issues

Gastrointestinal problems in your dog, like vomiting or diarrhea, can also indicate a possible food allergy. Food allergies in dogs can cause a range of symptoms that are often overlooked but can lead to more severe health issues if not addressed. Identifying the offending food through allergy testing can help restore your dog’s digestive health.

6. Paw Licking and Chewing

Dogs lick their paws for many reasons, but if your Habibi Bear is obsessively licking or chewing its paws, it might be an allergic reaction. This incessant licking can also lead to inflammation and secondary infections, making it important to investigate the underlying cause with your vet.

7. Loss of Fur or Poor Coat Condition

A luscious coat is a sign of good health in dogs. If you notice your Habibi Bear's fur becoming dull, thinning, or if they're losing fur in patches, it could be a sign of an allergy. These symptoms shouldn't be ignored as they can indicate allergies ranging from dietary to environmental factors, warranting a thorough evaluation for dog allergy testing.
If your pup is lacking in proper nutrients, we've found excellent support using NuVet Plus vitamins and our dogs coats are thick and healthy! Shopping Link NuVet Plus & NuJoint Plus Use Code: 517391